We went camping with great friends and their kids last weekend and it was an adventure to say the least! First off, it was the first weekend of summer so it was hot, hot, hot! Second, we woke Coop up at midnight and had issues getting him back to sleep, lol. Otherwise, it was a great trip!
We've been camping before but we're still doing the Read it and Go activities so we checked out the following books in preparation for our camping trip...
He doesn't nap but he still does quiet time. I gave him his Ipad for games and he kept himself occupied, lol. I got to read Diana Gabaldon's new book so it was a win for both of us!
He's very outdoorsy (but lacks safety awareness) so this rock climbing activity was nearly the death of ME...
One of my favorite pics of the weekend!
The morning following the extra crappy night of sleep, lol. He's so cute though..
I believe Coopie was drawing on a soul patch (is that what it's called? I'm so old, ya know)
The park also had a beach area which was definitely Coop's favorite part of the weekend!