Sunday, June 29, 2014


We went camping with great friends and their kids last weekend and it was an adventure to say the least!  First off, it was the first weekend of summer so it was hot, hot, hot!  Second, we woke Coop up at midnight and had issues getting him back to sleep, lol.  Otherwise, it was a great trip! 

We've been camping before but we're still doing the Read it and Go activities so we checked out the following books in preparation for our camping trip...

He doesn't nap but he still does quiet time.  I gave him his Ipad for games and he kept himself occupied, lol.  I got to read Diana Gabaldon's new book so it was a win for both of us!

He's very outdoorsy (but lacks safety awareness) so this rock climbing activity was nearly the death of ME...

One of my favorite pics of the weekend! 


The morning following the extra crappy night of sleep, lol. He's so cute though..

I believe Coopie was drawing on a soul patch (is that what it's called? I'm so old, ya know)

The park also had a beach area which was definitely Coop's favorite part of the weekend! 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tea party evolution

Cooper just recently started requesting to do tea parties. He discovered them via Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood and it's now his absolute favorite activity. We didn't really have a kid tea set so I had to improvise...

This was our first tea party with his favorite baby. Please, notice that he's using shot glasses...

We went to the Goodwill and found some adorable cups and saucers so our tea parties are getting more kid friendly, lol 

A good host always checks on his guests..

This tea set was a thrift store score! A tea pot and matching cups!  Please, notice his pinkie finger. Oy, that gets me every time, lol 

The Great Escape from City Zoo

This was another adventure from the Read it and Go project off Pinterest.  I've been trying to do one a week and it's been fun!  Some of the projects won't work for us like I'm not taking Coop to an art gallery but there are plenty more for us to do!

Last week, we did the zoo which is one of Coop's favorite places since he was 2 years old.  We get our money tenfold out of our membership! 

This is such a great and funny book! 

I found this zoo scavenger hunt on Pinterest but it would be super easy to make your own. 

We found the giraffes! 

Our zoo has a pair of twin panda babies so we always make a point to see them...

The best thing this zoo ever did was this splash pad! 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Read it and GO!

I love Pinterest.  I don't know what mothers did before it and I hate that it wasn't around when I got married or when I was pregnant with my babies.  I'm on the lookout for things for Cooper and I to do during summer break.  I found this really neat on Pinterest and since we go to the library once a week, it's perfect for us!

Go HERE for more info. 

This was this week's book.  So, we read it and headed to the pool! 

 This was a great book and trip to start off this summer fun because Coop LOVES water!

I jokingly call this pic the "how to train your dragon" pic.  Seriously, though, I found this dragon on the clearance rack after summer last year and kids fight over it at the pool.  

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Ice, Ice baby...

In that the water felt like ice but the boys did not care.  I was more of a wave from the shoreline kind of observer on this river visit. I mean, I got in for like 30 seconds for a quick pic but my adventurous-ness ended there...

Coop, you have a little something on your face (it's mud, lol) 

As a babyloss mom, butterflies mean a lot to me.  I'd like to think this one was Lily...
 Coop followed it around for several minutes...

Here's that quick pic that I mentioned, lol.  Yep, this was the only time I got in the water...

Monday, June 2, 2014


We're huge fans of The Walking Dead (of course, we don't let Coop watch it!) and don't live very far from Senoia so we took a drive over to the Woodbury Shoppe.  I giggled as Coop played with zombie feet and zombie statues without a care in the world. He's awesome ;)

 Norman Reedus' signature on the wall in TWD museum in the Woodbury Shoppe.  

This is the door from the first episode when Rick wakes up in the hospital...

Cooper rocking my new hat...

Over the river and through the woods..

to grandmother's house we go!  Coop and I took a quick visit to Pittsburgh last week to see his grandparents.  Cooper and I have made the trip a handful of times by ourselves and by golly, I think we're getting the hang of it.  Traveling (just the two of us) is much easier now that he's 4 and is a little bit more mature...

He's opening grandpap's birthday presents for him, lol 

My in-laws have lived in the same home for 50 years so it's fun to imagine my hubby as a little boy taking walks with his mom on these same sidewalks! 

Some early morning silliness

The best part of co-sleeping is waking up beside this beautiful face!  So peaceful..

Summer, summer, summertime!

We started our summer break off with a trip to the zoo and splash pad.  Most kids with sensory issues love water and Coop is definitely one of those kids! 

Pure joy!

Simple perfection <3 br="" nbsp="">