Friday, October 23, 2009

One month from today~

We'll be meeting a certain little boy :)

I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow! I just cannot believe that we have made it this far! I remember my ob-gyn talking about "if you're still pregnant at 28 weeks..." and here we are at 30 weeks!!!

Everything continues to look stable by the grace of God. They check his fluid level and if there is any fluid behind the placenta (which would indicate that the uterine wall is starting to thin) and both look great. It looks like we'll do a second round of steriods at 32 weeks and they're most likely also going to move me to a room closer to the O.R. I've kinda gotten used to this room and I'll miss (almost) everyone up here but will do whatever they recommend.

Just for kicks I have to add this "package" picture...Cooper is already an exhibitionist :) He'll be so embarassed one day to know that his goods were on the internet...


  1. So excited for you! Hang in there baby boy!

    Love to you

  2. Jen, I am so excited for you!!! Only four more weeks...that is amazing!!

  3. Exhibitionist, ha ha! Congratulations on making it this far! I remember the steroid shots. Yuck!

  4. I am getting excited! Let the countdown begin! LOL! God is GREAT! Hugs and love! :)

  5. YAY!!! I am so happy we both will be 30 wks tomorrow. Your doing great, you keep hanging in there. Not too much longer....

  6. Can't wait to meet him. God Bless all of you.

  7. So glad you made it so far. Happy for you and your little boy. God bless

  8. What a handsome little man :) (Referring to the first photo, of course!) I'm sure this is such an exhausting, bittersweet time - but catching up on these last few posts about your shower and etc. just brings a smile to my face. The end really is near, and it's going to be a good one! I know that will never make everything "okay" but I expect that it sure will help :)
