Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I did it!

I struck gold yesterday when I actually caught some of Coop's words on video yesterday! Coop's Apraxia is pretty severe so it's nothing short of a miracle that I caught a 3 word sentence!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Shake it boy!

I love this video but my singing stinks so just concentrate on the ridiculously cute kid :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter Sunday!

Easter Sunday was such a glorious day and the perfect way to wrap up on Savannah weekend. We did the Easter egg hunt, a picnic and park time at Forsyth Park which was just lovely! They have an awesome playground with an area for bigger kids and an area for smaller kidlets. Coop did fall and bust his chin which was not good but I'm learning that this is par for the course when your kid, yay! I just don't want him to lose any teeth or get a black eye...

(Insta.gram pic but I think it's a cute pic!)

Coop's booboo with a Phineas and Ferb bandaid :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cooper's first Easter egg hunt!

Cooper has celebrated three Easters but this was his first Easter where he's a walker so he got to participate in our family Easter egg hunt! It was super cute and he loved finding each egg...

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Easter Bunny knows where to find you!

He'll even find you on vacation!

We're evil parents and all the candy in the basket is OUR favorites...he's 2 so he won't even miss it! Next year though, it'll be a mostly non-candy basket because I'm pretty sure he'll start noticing my antics, lol...

This one is funny to me because he is so unimpressed with this whole Easter basket thing...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Another first for Team Nolf!

My sister planned this weekend to Savannah and Tybee and I think she did a great job! We also did a dolphin tour which is another thing that the 3 of us had never done! Now, it was fun but it was a kinda long activity for the amount of dolphin that we did have the pleasure to behold. Cooper was over it and desperately needed a nap by the time that we were on our way back to shore. He did love seeing the dolphins and the pelicans though! Dolphins are quick and unpredictable so I wasn't able to catch a photo of one...

He actually loved wearing this life-vest which is hilarious because this is the little boy that normally doesn't want to wear a jacket when it's cold...

Another Insta.gram pic :)

Coop and I looking at the water.

I just think this one is funny, lol...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Our first time in a lighthouse!

Normally, I say things like "Cooper's first time ____" but this time it was Team Nolf's first time being in a lighthouse! The three of us climbed the 178 steps from the bottom to the top of Tybee's lighthouse! We still use our Boba baby/toddler carrier (it goes up to 45 pounds!) so we strapped Cooper on daddy and made the trek up to the top!

My menfolk and a lighthouse :)

This was about the half-way point of the journey to the top...

Then, the top which was actually pretty scary! It was all I could do to put my hand on that railing because I had just been scaling the wall like a scaredy cat, lol...(I don't know why this pic is sideways. It did the same thing when I posted it on fb)

Coop was unimpressed with the climb or the scenry from up top but was obssessed with a keychain that my niece bought him from the giftshop...

I love this pic that I snapped with my phone :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My menfolk and Marilyn

I saw this statue of Marilyn Monroe in the City Market section of Savannah and just had to get a pic of my men with her. Yes, evidentally, I am the kind of mom that has her 2 year old in a pic of a woman with her skirt flying up...and? ;)

Do you see the smile on Coop's face? I'd say that Marilyn has a new fan!

Friday, April 6, 2012

A little getaway :)

We're in Savannah for the weekend for a much needed getaway! We took a trolley tour today and still did a lot of walking, including Coopie! He hates his stroller now so he walks with us...I love this new found independence for him!

Coop especially loved walking up and down the handicap ramp at the history museum. He loved the brick wall for some reason...

He also enjoyed the trolley ride and was so cute as he peered out the window :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

29 months today!

This isn't an April's fools joke! But, seriously how is it April already?

I actually took this pic yesterday at the park :)