Tuesday, October 6, 2009

All though You're invisible, I'll trust the Unseen

*Turn off player before watching video*

This has always been one of my favorite songs but has become even more special to me since I've been in the hospital. My hubby, family and friends have been wonderful with all of their visits but I'm mostly alone during the day. The alone time gives you a lot of time to dream up all the bad things that could happen.

I've amped up my bible time, praying, and listening to only positive music. This song reminds me though that I'm never alone and God is always there...Like the lyrics of the song say "I'll trust the unseen."


  1. Mate, you are an inspiration to me this morning! Bless you! I am proud to know you. All my love. :) xx

  2. Jen, you are right....you are never alone. As long as God is with you, you can handle anything. *hugs*
