Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The baby steps of a 32 weeker

So, big news...Cooper was moved to the stepdown/transitional unit last night!!! Our little grower and feeder has moved to the penthouse!!! This time he is actually ready to be in the stepdown unit rather than his 8 hour stint in the unit last week. He also moved to an open air crib!!! And, we get to start breastfeeding on Saturday when he turns 33 weeks!!! All of these things bring us closer to going home...

We are still doing the non-nurtitive sucking to get him used to latching on to the breast and he's a natural!!! It will be interesting to see how well he adds in the swallowing/breathing component and this may take him a little time to achieve. I'm okay with starting him out on the bottle so that they can monitor what he is eating BUT they know that he is only to take breastmilk.

Cooper is doing so great and I just pray every night that he continues to progress smoothly. Its very common for preemies to take 2 steps and the one step back so I know that there is a possiblity that we may hit a bump in the road. He makes mommy and daddy proud everyday and we couldn't ask him to do anymore than what he is doing already. He's an absolute blessing!!!

Daddy and Cooper

"What I won!!!" Cooper's expression when he won the world's cutest baby award :)

Jeepers creepers where did ya get those peepers? My guess is daddy :)


  1. I can't believe all you have overcome. Your son is beautiful and a blessing. You give the rest of us hope to try again. I am terrified at the thought of ever having another pregnancy, but knowing that you did it after being told you couldn't is amazing. God Bless!

    KC Russell

  2. He doesn't surprise me anymore... it is very clear that we have a little Winner here! So what do you get when you add super cute with that? LOL! Hugs :)

  3. I'm so happy he is doing so well. I have a dear friend that I follow, you should check her out. She has twins that are doing very well but her daughter just had a step back.
    It just amazes me how they are growing.

  4. Jen, congratulations on the arrival of Cooper!! Glad to see that he is doing well. Hope you and DH are holding up! Looking forward to more pics! :-)

  5. Jen, he is so amazing. :)

  6. I love hearing all about little Cooper and how well he's doing! I think it's awesome that you're going to breastfeed. Your milk for a 33 weeker will be different than it would be if he was born at full term. Isn't it amazing how our bodies are designed to take care of our babies? (Well....of course we know that sometimes our bodies let us down...)
