Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Who knew?

I bought Cooper a really nice winter coat and a fall zip-up sweater for the fall at a consignment sale and I also bought him a light weight jacket from Gap off the clearance rack last week. I washed them and put them on hangers...then, took them to the coat closet in the hallway and a smile came over my face...which is rare because who likes doing any steps of the laundry process?

I smiled as I hung Cooper's coats in the closet in between mine and my hubby's coats because it was just one of those *real* moments. Those moments where even the mundane becomes magical. He's here. He's our son and his coats are in our coat closet.

Who knew that coats could bring a smile to your face and to your heart?


  1. This is such a sweet post! I love those little things too. Sometimes it's hard to believe that these little boys are a permanent part of our lives!

  2. AWWW. I imagine I will have days like that when our little one arrives. I'm sure all parents have those moments, it just seems extra special coming from someone who knows the depths of pain that come from not having coats other than you and your husband's in the closet. You know what I mean?

  3. I totally felt that way today as we put the finishing touches on her crib. I can't wait to send him his hat to go with those coats.

  4. Yes it is, makes my heart melt just thinking of all the times that this still happens to me. I am always amazed how I am still all wrapped up in Ruby's magic.

  5. Sweet, sweet, sweet. You just want to take pictures of those moments to remember forever, I bet!!

  6. I can just picture all the coats hanging there together - I love that! I might have to go take something of my little man's from his closet and put it into mine just to smile, too :)

    So sweet.
