Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Having a little fun!

Cooper and his buddy, Devin, played at a local jumphouse yesterday and had a great time! We spent most of our time in the baby corral but Cooper still had a blast! Cooper's rolling and pivoting has given us an opportunity to do events like this and I'm glad because he really enjoys all the sights and sounds of this place...and, he always takes an awesome nap when we get home so it's like a win-win ;)

Someone really wanted to eats this pony's ears...blah...
"How do you get out of here?"
"Hey, Momma!"
He was looking at Devin in this one :)

It takes him a few minutes to get warmed up to the place...and, as you can tell by the absence of his sweatshirt in most of the pics, he did just that!

Thanks for playing with us, Devin! I wish I had gotten a good pic of you big preemie boys playing together!