Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My little party animal!

We celebrated one of Cooper's best bud's first birthday this past Sunday at Gym.boree and had a BLAST! I highly recommend this place for a super great time if you haven't been! This was our first time although we've been to similar play places. Cooper was all over the place and slept like he was in a coma that night!

The party theme was a pajama party for those of you wondering why he's sporting pjs in public!

I just have to toot my own horn for a moment on this pic. I'm aware of how over protective that I am with Cooper. It comes from losing a baby and then having a child with special needs. BUT, I did let go of the reigns long enough for him to roll down this little ramp by himself. I figured that he's going to land on something soft and I'm glad that I did because you could tell by the look on his face when he got to the bottom that he was happy with himself :)


  1. soo soo cute!! i love the one where he looks like he is falling into the green ring, Priceless!

  2. His face in the second one DESTROYS me. He has so much expression in his face!

  3. First, I love his gator PJs - too cute!

    Thanks for your comment about Asher's coat and car seat. I didn't think about it that way, but should have clarified. This is such an important point that I wrote a new post addressing it. Hope everyone else is keeping their kiddos safe in the car too. Winter is such a tricky time!
