Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A trip to the park...

We've had some lovely weather the last few days so we've been getting some vitamin D the old fashioned way!

We went to a local playground that has a beautiful frontlawn with sidewalks and a little fountain. It's really adorable! And, we are so lucky to have a paved trail right in our backyard so we've been taking walks everyday. It was so fun to watch the squirrels jump from tree to tree as we walked yesterday! I told Coop that even the squirrels are happy for the beautiful weather!

I have an afternoon planned for us at the zoo on Friday since it's supposed to be 68 degrees! Yay! It's starting to feel as if Spring is right around the corner :)

Cooper by the little fountain

Cooper investigating the grass

Finally, he stopped his grass investigations to acknowledge me and the camara...

Cooper on the swinging worries, I was right in front of him so there was no way he would fall :)


  1. I love gorgeous, spring-like days. Yay for getting out to the park!

  2. Can I just say how JEALOUS I am of your weather and the fact that you can see your grass!!! I wish I could take Ruby out to that! I am seriously considering moving.
