Monday, January 9, 2012

A fresh perspective...

Thanks for the supportive comments , facebook messages and phone calls in response to my last post on my little biter! Ahhh, I'm glad that I'm not alone in this frustrating issue! I really felt like a loser mom last Wednesday but I feel less so from hearing about how other parents have dealt with this biting issue. We had my 13 and 10 year old nieces with us from Thursday until yesterday so they were quite a distraction and I really, really feel better!

We can't come to the next MOPs meeting anyways but I think I'm going to ask them to just keep a really good eye on him at the next meeting that we can attend and I'm going to make them a communication book, as well. A travel size communication book with just the essentials in it to maybe alleviate the possibility that he's acting out because he's unable to communicate with them.

I have actually been taking a pic of Cooper every day so I'm still keeping one resolution! The one with me not drinking as much Coke as been thrown out the window sadly to say...


  1. What a great smile.

  2. What a cutie! I totally get the coke thing. I've cut back on diet coke so many times but for now I'm totally enjoying my two-a-day...sometimes even three!! woohoo!
