Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Get outside!

When I was growing up, you played outside every single day unless there was lightening or a tornado warning.  You went outside and came home to use the restroom and eat.  Obviously, I grew up in the country (my hometown has one redlight) and it was HUGE news when we got a Subway.  But, as much as possible, I want Cooper to have the same thoughts on being outdoors and playing. 
So, I've been trying to get us outdoors as much as possible even when the weather isn't perfect.  Cooper's Asthma is pretty much controlled (knock on wood) so I'm not keeping him cooped up (hehe) like I did last winter.  So, here's to more fresh air!
Now, this is the expression of unbridled joy.  He was excited to play with pine straw. That's what I'm talking about people, lol
"Hey, mom!"

When we got home, he still wanted to play outside!!   It was in the mid-50's and he no longer wanted to wear his coat so we played in our miniscule backyard...(one day, we'll have a real backyard, lol)

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