Friday, July 24, 2009

Lily's brother~

I am going to post this on both of my blogs, but wanted to start here first because this where my journey with all of you began. There is good news and bad news that came out of the surprise doctor's appointment today. First, the good news....Cooper is perfect and (for now) the scar is looking good and the uterine wall appears strong. The bad news...the placenta has grown into my uterine wall. The same day that I have the c-section to welcome Cooper into the world, I will be saying goodbye to my uterus. I will have a hysterectomy during surgery which is scary due to the fact that that area of the body is receiving two times that amount of blood than normal. I will be admitted into the hospital at 24 weeks (Sept. 11th) for the reminder of my pregnancy. Lord willing, my uterus will be strong enough to get as close to 34 weeks as possible but they want me closely monitored at all times therefore the hospitalization is in order. And, Cooper will begin to receive steriods at this time, too.

Being me, I try to find the silver linings in all more periods...and, my honey won't have to get a vasectomy now...I think God knows how stubborn I am so He is removing the temptation for me to have more babies after Cooper.

Please, pray for me and our rainbow baby. To say that I'm scared is an understatement....


  1. Oh honey, try and enjoy your 7 more weeks of freedom. Hopefully you will have the internet in the hospital and my prayers are with you!

  2. Oh Jen, I'm speechless. I am so glad Cooper's okay, but I can only imagine what you must be feeling right now. You will be in my prayers and I will be sure to tell many others to pray for you, Cooper, and your husband as well. Thanks for posting this.

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  4. Oh Jen, my heart goes out to you. I am thrilled at the good news but I am so sad that you are going to have the hysterectomy. Honey I am praying for a miracle here. Only positive thoughts darling and if you feel down please email me so I can pray harder! You could even send me a txt message and I'll be on my knees! I'll email you my mobile number. Big hugs and heaps of love.

  5. We'll be praying for you! I'm so glad to hear that things are looking good for Cooper.
